Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. —Piet Hein

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Portable Cloud Computing

Last July I asked "Why are there no Amazon S3/EC2 competitors?", lamenting the lack of competition in the utility or cloud computing market and the implications for disaster recovery. Closely tied to disaster recover is portability -- the ability to switch between different utility computing providers as easily as I switch electricity suppliers. (OK, that can be a pain, at least in the UK, but it doesn't require rewiring my house.)

It's useful to compare Amazon Web Services with Google's recently launched App Engine in these terms. In some sense they compete, but they are strikingly different offerings. Amazon's services are bottom up: "here's a CPU, now install your own software". Google's is top down: "write some code to these APIs and we'll scale it for you". There's no way I can take my EC2 services and run them on App Engine. But I can do the reverse -- sort of -- thanks to AppDrop.

And that's the thing. What I would love is a utility service from different providers that I can switch between. That's one of the meanings of "utility", after all. (Moving lots of data between providers may make this difficult or expensive to do in practice -- "data inertia" -- but that's not a reason not to have the capability.)

There are at least two ways this can happen. One's the AppDrop approach -- emulate Google's API and provide an alternative place to run applications, in this case it's EC2.

However, there's another way: build "standard, non-proprietary cloud APIs with open-source implementations", as Doug Cutting says on his blog post Cloud: commodity or proprietary? In this world, applications use a common API, and host with whichever provider they fancy. Bottom up offerings like Amazon's facilitate this approach: the underlying platforms may differ, but it's easy to run your application on the provided platform -- for example, by building an Amazon AMI. Google's top down approach is not so amenable, application developers are locked-in to the APIs Google provide. (Of course, Google may open this platform up more over time, but it remains to be seen if they will open it up to the extent of being able to run arbitrary executables.)

As Doug notes, Hadoop is providing a lot of the building blocks for building cloud services: filesystem (HDFS), database (HBase), computation (MapReduce), coordination (ZooKeeper). And here, perhaps, is where the two approaches may meet -- AppDrop could be backed by HBase (or indeed Hypertable), or HBase (and Hypertable) could have an open API which your application could use directly.

Rails or Django on HBase, anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, We are a heavy user of EC2 from amazon, recently we have seen few startups with similar offerings one intesting one was appnexus, we haven't tried them yet but they claim their are optimized for hadoop applications.